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Our Company

Discover GEOLOG

Company Overview

Geolog International (GEOLOG) is a world leader in energy industry services delivering solutions and expertise to National, International and Independent Oil, Gas, Geothermal and CCUS operators globally. Since its founding in Milan, Italy, in 1982, GEOLOG has developed effective and cost-effective alternative and complementary solutions to complex and expensive downhole measurement tools. Through the application of our in-house AI and data science expertise, together with the optimisation of formation, fluid and reservoir analyses, customer KPI’s are improved, well delivery is optimized and production delivery is accelerated. By utilising these in or near real-time rigsite applications, operators are able to generate a detailed sub-surface understanding of the reservoir and fluids, thus mitigating risk and ultimately reducing cost. As part of its strategy to become the global supplier of choice, GEOLOG has gained experience in over 70 countries worldwide, performing services and assisting operators through the entire life-cycle of the oil & gas asset from unconventional land to ultra-deepwater and HPHT Plays to carbon capture and storage. In addition, our extensive experience in surface logging medium to high enthalpy geothermal wells across the Globe, places GEOLOG at the forefront of this valuable resource for many years to come.

Products and services

Our products and services are centered
on 3 key industry requirements.

GEOLOG maintains a committed focus on research and development, innovation and the implementation of proprietary technologies through continual investment in people, technology and novel solutions to industry challenges. This robust commitment to continuous research and development has enabled GEOLOG to develop and deploy an extensive suite of wellsite Drilling, Formation Evaluation and AI/Data Science solutions. GEOLOG holds a significant number of patents and targets the introduction of new patents annually. In parallel to delivering technical excellence, GEOLOG strongly prioritises its ESG and HS&E commitments, recently marking three years without a Lost Time Incident while continuing to implement and refine its internationally recognized QHSE and CSR standards. Our commitment to energy efficiency while reducing the impact of our services on the environment is strong and defined by the high achievement standards we set ourselves during our day-to-day operations.

In addition to being the global market leader in hydrocarbon evaluation at wellsite through its extraction, analysis and interpretation of gasses from drilling fluids, GEOLOG also provides a uniquely comprehensive, proven and market-leading suite of drilling, formation evaluation and predictive AI/Data Science solutions. Together, these technologies have the primary goal of reducing drilling time and costs, improving operational safety and greatly enhancing the understanding of formations and reservoirs during drilling.

With an unwavering commitment to independence and the delivery of top-tier quantitative surface solutions, GEOLOG has seamlessly integrated state-of-the-art AI/Data Science solutions into its offerings. This synergy propels us as the premier choice for operators seeking to curtail downhole expenses and elevate the efficiency of their drilling endeavors.

Mission Statement

Our Mission

Vision, strategy, goals.

To respect and improve the highest safety
and environmental standards